EVENT REPORTS: Enter a range of dates above and click the Get Report button. A list of all the events within the two dates will be displayed. By default, the events listed will be geoFences and all alert words for this account. To search for other types of messages the device may have sent, enter the text to search for in the Other Items box below. Separate each search item by a space. Entering ~ in this box will show ALL reports. By default, the search items must match the data EXACTLY. Checking the Partial matching checkbox will find data that CONTAINS any part of the search item. For example, Batt will find both iDenBatt:2 and iDenBatt:3.
FUEL REPORT: After selecting a date-range, select the miles/gal value from the MPG or KPL list below, click the Liters box if needed, then click the Get Report button. The report will show the total number of gallons (or liters) used for each day as well as a total for the dates selected. The MPG or KPL numbers in the list represent the manufacture's fuel economy ratings as distance/gal (or liters).